
LOANER rockin’ out while rockin’ a FIGHT CHURCH t-shirt!

This is our good friend Doug Feasel rockin’ out with his band LOANER wearing a sweet FIGHT CHURCH t-shirt!  We would love to post your vids and pics here on and/or our Facebook Page.  So, check out and get your FIGHT CHURCH shirt!  Then, get out there and get us some cool vids and pics!  You can e-mail them to…

If you would like more info on LOANER, go to and be sure to LIKE them on Facebook at

We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!!

Check out our sweet new shirt designs and buy one or two or three… whatever!

We have some great fresh new designs!  Please go to and check out all our t-shirts and hoodies.  Once you find the design you like, you get to pick your shirt color too! 

The really cool thing is that every t-shirt and/or hoodie we sell helps us fund our ministry here!  AND wearing it helps let other people out there know who we are and what we do!