“Superman Punch” is an elaborate strike set up by first faking a kick and then immediately following through with a punch. The created momentum drives the attacker’s body forward and into the air, which helps cover distance quickly… And it looks crazy cool!
We want you to be our Superman! Help us cover some distance. A hero that helps create the momentum and transformation in the lives of the hurting.
Fight for what matters most! Reaching people right where they are with the saving grace knowledge & Good News of Jesus Christ. Fight the good fight with us! Its expensive to operate here in Las Vegas and travel all over the country. So being a monthly supporter is the best way to help get the job done and special one time gifts are awesome too!
Your generosity is making a difference! When you donate to Fight Church, you can rest assure that your gift is making a huge difference, not just in Sin-City but all over the country and the world, including our affiliates in Australia and Peru.
FIGHT CHURCH is a 501c3 non-profit organization and all donations to FIGHT CHURCH are tax deductable. FIGHT CHURCH is not affiliated or associated with any one particular denomination.”
“Click below to donate with a credit card or feel free to send a check payable to FIGHT CHURCH at:
Fight Church
5622 Dawn Falls St.
Las Vegas, NV 89148″